Maintenance Packages
The median annual salary for a Webmaster is $70,900 with a range usually between $59,893-$82,321. CMS software licenses can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars a year and is still dependant on an experienced user to update the website. Why pay so much when you can have one of our experienced web developers update your website? So save your money and potential headaches by Contacting Us today!
Basic Plan
$250/Month, Changes must be submitted at least 1 business day prior to the desired turnaround time. This plan will cover one weekly update request for content on all pages of your website. These updates are only for the existing web pages that were set up at the site launch. If you are adding a new page you will be charged the one time fee for the new page (See Rate Chart), and then that page will be covered by the plan. Note: The Basic plan does not cover new coding, graphics or design changes to pages, only the text and pictures that will be on the page.
Business Plan
$650/Month, Changes must be submitted at least 1 business day prior to the desired turnaround time. The Business plan is for a website that needs multiple weekly updates, this will cover three weekly update requests for content on all pages of your website as well as adding new pages. Note: New coding work such as adding a web form, database driven page, etc. is not covered and will carry an additional fee.
Your Own Personal Webmaster Plan
$1,800/Month, As the title states, this covers all maintenance on your front facing website including design changes (turnaround time varies for major design changes). Updates can be done daily / nightly Monday through Friday as well as Sunday Nights. Hire us to be your webmaster and save over 50% of the cost for a full time employee. Note: This plan is dependent on remote work being applicable to your business.
Additional Information
- Months with no maintenance work done will be not be billed.
- Annual Shared Hosting is included with all maintenance packages.
- All plans can be modified to fit your individual need.